DADS Interest List
701 W. 51st St.
Austin, Texas 78751
Phone: 512-438-3011
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 149030
Austin, Texas 78714-9030
Supplemental Security Income
www.ssa.gov/disability or your local social security office
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides monthly assistance for children with disabilities. The amount paid is based on your family income, the number of people in your family and the severity of the disability. Your child can receive up to approximately $550 a month. Your child will also qualify for Medicaid.
Health Insurance Premium Payment Reimbursement
Program (HIPP)
HIPP helps families pay for private health insurance. You might be able to get HIPP if you can answer yes to these questions: Does anyone in your family get Medicaid? Can someone in your family get health insurance at work or another way? Medicaid will repay your family’s insurance premiums and the co-payments and deductibles for family members who are already getting Medicaid.
Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP)
Call 1-877-438-5658 to have the child's or young adult's name placed on the MDCP interest list.
This Medicaid waiver program provides qualified children with a variety of services that allow the children to live at home. MDCP provides respite, adaptive aids and supports to enable eligible children to access child care.
Services: Respite: Direct care to an individual to provide a caregiver temporary relief from care giving activities when the caregiver would usually perform such activities. Adjunct support services: Specific direct care needed by a person to participate in child care, post-secondary education or independent living during the time the caregiver is at work, attending job training or attending school. Adaptive aids: A device that is needed to treat, rehabilitate, prevent or compensate for a condition that results in a disability or a loss of function and helps a person perform the activities of daily living or control the environment. Adaptive aids are limited to $4,000 per eligibility period. Minor home modifications: A physical change to an individual’s residence that is needed to prevent institutionalization or to support the most integrated setting for a person to remain in the community. Minor home modifications are limited to $7,500 during the individual’s lifetime and include: Bathroom modifications, Doorway widening, Ramps; Transition Assistance Services: Services that pay for non-recurring, set-up expenses for essential items and services that allow people to transition from a nursing home to the community. Financial Management Services: Services that assist an individual or family with managing funds associated with self-directing respite and adjunct support services through the Consumer Directed Services option.
Other eligibility requirements: Must be under age 21, meet the medical necessity criteria for nursing facility care and meet disability criteria for Social Security or Medicaid benefits.
Money Follows the Person (MFP)
The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) has a policy called Money Follows the Person (MFP), which allows certain Texans who are eligible for Medicaid and living in nursing facilities to choose an appropriate community setting and receive community services and supports.
How do I know if I qualify for services under the MFP policy?
You qualify if you receive services paid for by Medicaid, live in a nursing facility, and want to return to the community. Under MFP, if you meet the eligibility requirements for a certain community Medicaid waiver program, you can enroll in the program directly and not have your name placed on an interest list.
Contact your regional DADS office at one of the numbers below and tell them you’re interested in the Money Follows the Person program or use the following link to learn more:http://www.dads.state.tx.us/news_info/publications/brochures/
Or Click Here
Region 1 - Lubbock (806) 356-3185
Region 2/9 - Abilene (325) 795-5729
Region 3 - Grand Prairie/Dallas (972) 337-6205
Region 4/5 - Tyler/Beaumont (903) 509-5135
Region 6 - Houston (713) 767-2157
Region 7 - Austin (512) 706-6001
Region 8 - San Antonio (210) 619-8149
Region 10 - El Paso (915) 834-7561
Region 11 - Edinburg (956) 316-8139
Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)
Call 1-877-438-5658 to have the child or adult name placed on the CLASS interest list. CLASS provides home- and community-based services to people with related conditions as a cost-effective alternative to placement in an intermediate care facility for persons with mental retardation or a related condition (ICF-MR/RC). A related condition is a disability, other than mental retardation, that originated before age 22 and that affects the ability to function in daily life.
Services: Adaptive aids and medical supplies, Consumer Directed Services, Habilitation, Minor home modifications, Nursing services, Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, Psychological and behavioral support services, Respite care, Specialized therapies, Speech pathology.
Other eligibility requirements: There is no age limit; however, the onset of the disability must have been before age 22. Have a DADS-approved initial individual service plan that does not exceed the program's cost ceiling. Meet ICF/MR level of care criteria. Have a demonstrated need for ongoing habilitation services. Have chosen the CLASS program over an ICF/MR program.
ICD 9 code is 759.89 for CHARGE Syndrome.
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
TSBVI Outreach is a statewide resource to parents of children with visual impairments or deafblindness and professionals who serve them. TSBVI staff work in coordination with regional/statewide agencies to provide local consultation as well as local, regional and statewide workshops. Outreach Programs offer information and referral, collaboration with personnel preparation programs, mentoring programs for VI professionals, family training/support, management of free materials from the American Printing House for the Blind, technology on loan and more.
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative
DARS-Division for Blind Services:
DARS-DBS has the primary responsibility in Texas for providing non-educational services to people who are blind or visually impaired. DBS is authorized to provide services to children of all ages with visual impairments to supplement the services provided by other state agencies when the division determines that the provision of the services is appropriate and that these services will assist the children in achieving financial self sufficiency and a fuller and richer life.
For statewide referral information call: 1-800-628-5115
DARS-Early Childhood Intervention:
DARS-ECI is the lead in Texas for the administration, supervision and monitoring of a statewide comprehensive system of early intervention services. Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) programs serve families with children birth to 36 months with developmental delays or disabilities in every county. ECI provides support and specialized services to strengthen the family’s ability to access resources and improve their child’s development through daily activities. ECI is responsible for ensuring that every child has a comprehensive plan for services and for referring children under 3 with visual impairments to their local education agency.
For statewide referral information call: 1-800-628-5115
Deaf-Blind Multiple Disabilities (DB-MD) Program
DB-MD provides home- and community-based services to people who are deafblind with multiple disabilities as a cost-effective alternative to institutional placement. The program focuses on increasing opportunities for consumers to communicate and interact with their environment.
Services: Adaptive aids and medical supplies, Assisted living (licensed up to six beds), Behavior support services, Case management, Chore provider, Consumer Directed Services, Employment assistance, Environmental accessibility/minor home modifications, Habilitation, Intervener, Nursing services, Occupational therapy, Orientation and mobility, Physical therapy, Prescription drugs (if not covered through Medicare), Respite care, Specialized nursing services, Speech, hearing and language therapy, Supported employment and Transition assistance services.
Financial eligibility requirements: Financial eligibility is determined by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. For more information, please visit their website.
Other eligibility requirements: Be age 18 or older. Meet intermediate care facility for persons with mental retardation or a related condition care criteria. Have deaf-blindness with a third disability resulting in a need for one or more services. Have an individual plan of care that does not exceed specific limits. Must choose waiver services instead of institutional care based on informed choice.
Availability: The program is available statewide; however, as this is a low-incidence population, there are currently only 41 counties in which individuals are served. Services may not be available right away. Your name may be placed on an interest list. You will be contacted when services are available.
How to apply for services: Call 1-877-438-5658 and ask for the DB-MD waiver.